Friday 5 March 2010

New Mexico Mystery

I am reminded of something - an experience - that I've been unable to investigate as fully as I would wish. This concerns an event that occurred in 1993 on a flight from Dallas to Sacramento. I had only been in the USA for a short while. Everything was new. Exciting. I was all eyes and ears about! This flight would take me over the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert and I was looking forward to my bird's eye view of both these and the Indian territories en route. The first part of the flight had me agog at the sights of Texas below. Fantastic! However, interesting as it all was, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing, that is until we flew over Farmington - north New Mexico. At the time, I knew nothing about the names or background of places below me. What was apparent though was that flight crews follow a regular route that goes landmark to landmark. I made a mental note of the places that stood out and the pilot's commentaries since I was determined to trace the route later on a map. Our flight passed Farmington and up the San Juan valley and then, it happened.

An intense energy spike came up from beneath the plane. I swiftly glanced about the cabin, certain that this 'jolt' to my system must have affected others but, no-one in the plane reacted. I was now feeling a most powerful sensation within me. It was a charge of intense energy. I turned to the window, searching out the source of this queer feeling. It was definitely coming from the ground. I expected there to be some striking visual landmark below. However, what my eye gleaned was ugliness. There was nothing beautiful on the ground. Long, ugly scars and spoil heaps described the despoiled landscape for as far as my eye could rove through the thickened perspex of my window. I was perplexed. Again, I intensely scanned the landscape for some clue to this phenomenon. There were large earth moving vehicles in the distance and - given the angle from my seat - I saw a non-descript town was below. The energy spike lasted a few more seconds then, faded. The rest of the journey was uneventful and I got on with my life, forgetting all about this weirdness.

Then in 2006, I awoke one morning thinking about this. There was no reason for me to be stimulated in thought over this event. After all of 13 years! I was living in Oxford, England and done with the USA. I think it was to do with the Google Earth facility that I had used the day before. This possibly stimulated my thoughts on the topic ...and then there was the Internet tool for researching this further and suddenly, I was investigating.

I soon found the hot spot's locale: where the spike of energy occurred, but the statistics I was going by first: I was 33,000 feet up, seated on the starboard side of a commercial airliner going to Sacramento from Dallas. The large machinery that I saw were operating at an opencast mine on the northern side of the San Juan valley. From the maps and my memory picture, I vector the San Juan river bending through a slight pince in the terrain. I could not see the terrain immediately below. This was the land out of sight beneath the aircraft's fuselage. Research allowed me to discover that the mine and large swathes of land all about this place belong to the Navajo Tribal peoples. At the time of this blog, the 'Google Earth' pics fall right on the divide here between a focused shot and one not. The spike started in the unfocused zone. I suspect my angle of vision was 50 degrees at the lowest viewpoint from the aircraft. I suspect that if anyone was going to hide a site of great power, where better than in such ugly surrounds. Perhaps the Navajo mine protects untouched, sacred ground close to the river. The Anasazi circles I saw just prior to Farmington airport. Maybe another such site lies in Upper Fruitland.

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